Friday, December 14, 2007

The Beginning of The End

Well this is it, the day of reckoning has arrived. The skies shall darken and the moon will turn blood red. The oceans of the world will boil and the four horsemen will hail the coming apocalypse. The Nightmare has started his blog!
Ego stroking aside I am starting my blog called The Metaphorical Beatdown. This is due to semi popular demand ( two people ) expressing interest in me sharing my oh too irrelevant thoughts with the world. I see this as a way to let out my inner thoughts while working on my writing abilities. However this is also a bit of a challenge because I refuse to be just another self important jackass who feels it necessary to publish their day to day life. But I digress, I found a solution to this problem. I am going to stick to mostly writing reviews and rants in this blog. I will share interesting stories as well but let's be honest, does anyone care who I am or what I'm doing? Most of the time I don't care so personal stories will only come up if I deem it necessary, that's when something really funny or infuriating or truly epic happens. Run-on sentences aside you may be asking " you shmuck why are you posting this stuff here, you could just make a website you noob!". For starters Fuck You, I'll do what I want. And to answer the question more eloquently, this program is free and readily available. It would take work to make a website,and sadly...The dark lord Nightmare is technologically inept ( I can barley type ).
Any way that's my first blog. if someone actually bothers to read it, and perhaps likes the idea( though I really doubt it ), you can drop a comment suggesting what I should review first. If I get some feed back it will entice me to post more often.
I'm out!

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