Thursday, December 20, 2007

I AM LEGEND (or at least I shall be in time)

Well I saw "I Am Legend" last night and got pretty much what I was expecting, a good movie. Not great, certainly not epic, but good. There are some good points and some bad points and I'll go over each set in detail to give you the viewers (most likely viewer) a clear understanding of what this movie is all about, then you can decide if you want to see it.
Let's start with the bad as that's what I'm best at describing. Though I don't really get to exercise my cynicism much because there is not that much wrong with the film. There are only two real faults: the CG creatures and the fact that the story drags a little at points. I would have much preferred actors with make up and prosthetics doing the creatures as oppose to all CG. I like the fact that computer generated special effects are getting so good, however I can still tell it's fake. With the right makeup job you can create the illusion of reality because part of it is real. They should have saved the CG for the more complicated stunts or the scenes in really low light conditions only. But over all the creatures still look ok (they're a kind of vampire/zombie mix by the way). The plot stutters are only minor and didn't bother me much but for the type of person who needs constant action this may be a draw back. this movie is primarily focused on Will Smith's character which for me was actually it's strongest point.
So on that note let's begin talking about the good parts. In my opinion this is Will Smith at his best. He isn't really an action hero in this movie (hell he can't shot shit all). He is an everyman character with real fears and real sorrow. Will Smith is a much better actor than people give him credit for and in this movie we get to see some real emotional range. Some of his acting, especially in the real climactic and emotional parts, is really top notch. there are a few moments were he falls back into his basic stereotypical macho funny man routine but for the most part it fits in anyway and isn't really a flaw. There is also one suspense scene were he is going through a building in the dark by the light of his rifle mounted flash light and it is really good. In fact it was almost perfect and his acting fit it perfectly, you could really feel his fear. And that is the point, I can't be scared if the character isn't scared. Most movies seem to forget that.
Over all the story is good but not inspiring. It feels very familiar as it barrows aspects from quite a few other movies, not that that's a bad thing. It just means to a horror fan this is going to be just another post-apocalyptic zombie type film. Though some (like me) may find it refreshing because of the way it focuses on one character instead of many "soon to be dead" stereotypes. However for people who think this movie might move to slow for them I suggest maybe renting it. I also suggest "28 Weeks Later" to the same crowed as it is mainly focused on action.
Overall this movie gets a B.
It's fun but not a must see. With some fine tuning it could have been much better, but for horror addicts in desperate need of a fix it's well worth a look.

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