Thursday, December 27, 2007

Aliens VS Predator 2 Requiem

So to start I would like to mention that I am a huge fan of the Alien series and enjoyed the first Predator movie allot, so when they made the first AVP I pretty much had a nerdgasm and knew I had to see it. Unfortunately the movie lacked the spirit of the two franchises and parts of it were actually boring. It deserves a grade of C, only enjoyable for real fans. The main problem I had was the complete lack of gore. I think it actually got a PG13 rating and for a movie of this kind that means trouble. Then when I saw the preview for AVP2 that all changed...For it had all the gratuitous gore fans were waiting for.
After I cleaned myself up(yet again) and thanked the dark lords for their blessing I preceded to call up my regular movie going friends to tell them we had to see this movie. But as the months went by intelligence kicked in again and told me to stop being a dumb-ass fanboy and realize this movie was probably not going to be that good. I assumed that it would be some mindless fun and little more.
I was right, this movie had lots of balls but no brains. It was a fun little massacre full of gore and cool creatures. The good news is that it surpasses it's predecessor. the gore and the new location created much cooler scenes and the special effects were really good. Alien fans will not be disappointed with the aliens, they were well made and there movements weren't as robotic as they have been in the past. The Predator was cool and used many different tools during his hunt. However the main draw was the Pred-Alien which kicked all kinds of ass over the course of the movie.
The story is pretty "paint by numbers" it starts off were the last AVP ended; the Pred-Alien bursting out of the dead predator. He then proceeds to kill most of the crew of the predator ship and crash lands back on earth with a bunch of his face hugging brethren. This is bad of course so the predators send their best hunter to kill this new breed of alien and cover up any evidence of it's existence. This puzzled me as I never saw the Predators as a very discrete race. They kind of just fly in rip shit up then fly back out. What ever, it's not that important anyway. The point is the hunt...sort of. The other side of the plot is the stupid humans with all there stupid problems which take up time until they stupidly die. I hope I've emphasised stupid enough for you if not I GIVE YOU...
Nightmare's Top 3 Stupid Lines
# 3 a woman walks into a pitch black restaurant with a flash light. She then yells out hello is anyone there the power just went out. If anyone is there I think they know the power is out since their standing in the dark!
# 2 One of the macho heroes exclaims we have to do something "people are dying", as if no one had noticed the death up till now. Maybe they were to dumb to comprehend what was going on as they witnessed their friends and family being dissembled before there eyes.
# 1 the same women I mentioned before exclaims "the government doesn't lie to people". The entire audience laughed at that one! What a cliche piece of shit line.
Well I think that illustrates the main problem with this movie, the humans. I came here to see Aliens and Predators not to see the the cliche lives of a bunch of stereotypical characters. In my opinion this movie would have been better off without human characters, the only purpose they should have had was to die horribly.
Over all this movie gets a C+.
It was fun but definitely not a must see. the only thing I think I should mention is the fact that I had a great time watching it. I was with a bunch of friends and we had fun with the action and laughed at the weak points. I was lucky enough to be in a very vocal audience and we all had a good time...Up until the ending which was very unsatisfying.
So if you want to see it leave your brain at home and watch it with a bunch of smart-ass friends. Personally I would suggest it as a rental for Alien and Predator fans as well as people who like a good monster flick. If you go in with the right expectations you could enjoy yourself.

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