Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good Luck Chuck

So I'm going to do this one a little different than usual. I know pretty much everyone hates this movie so I'm going to do this more as a rant than a review. I'm writing this while watching the movie and for the record I haven't seen Good Luck Chuck before so my pain will be first hand. And yes I am assuming that I'll hate it, I'm far past the point of mercy here(especially since you people decided I should review the village, damn you all to hell!). So here we go.

To start off his friend is a creepy kid. Hahhahahah, OK your kidding me, he was hexed by a goth kid and so now he's cursed . This is some real BULL SHIT. OK I see were this is going there is going to be lots of really awkward gross out scenes. And it's not even funny awkward. And of course the fat kid grew up to be a fat adult who is just as creepy as before. What the FUCK IS GOING ON please kill the fat one, Christ I already hate everyone in this film. Please god bring in Jessica Alba.

God damn make her leave again she's making Dane Cook try and sound clever. Oh good she injured him, guess this movie isn't a total loss. WTF the bride killed a bird with the bouquet, this movie isn't even trying to be clever. Just boobs and slap stick (bad choice of words), this movie is ass.

Ha, she hit her face off the ice, hope the concussion helps her acting because this is bad. This clumsy thing is getting annoying almost as annoying as Dan Cook trying to be the "good guy" whilst screwing every piece of ass that crosses his path. These characters suck, not one of them is likable. And the fat guy is really fucking pathetic, what a dick.

NO, there is no way. Your telling me Dane Cook is only screwing these chicks because he wants them to find their true love. So their trying to portray this as a sympathetic story with a good message about true love but then they show what must be a ten minute sex scene involving Dana screwing countless hot chicks. Yeah he really respects women. Note I'm not against screwing hot chicks, seriously take note of that ladies I'm more than open to a shallow relationship ;) , I just hate it when a movie tries to be something it's not.

Speaking of which they keep trying to make Jessica Alba seem like a good actress. She just can't pass for a scientist and once again the clumsy shit is really annoying. Stop wrecking stuff you dumb bitch! Now it's trying to be a romance, go back to breaking stuff, please!

Shut up you fucking stoner, you don't have the right to give advice! Note I have nothing against stoners I just wouldn't take their advice. I'd fill you in but there is no point, the only thing I left out was the part were Cook bones the fat chick....I don't have word, but it's defiantly not funny.

I fucking hate you Dane Cook! I give up this has gone on long enough I'll finish the movie then I'll give my final verdict I don't have the strength to continue right now...

OK I watched the rest and it didn't get any better.....I have nothing left to say except you shouldn't watch it. It`s a D but I`m close to giving it an F because it just sucks. There are way better movies out there to see.
Oh by the way there are some real WTF scenes in this film and I`ll give them to you in a segment called...
Nightmare`s top 3 WTF moments

3: There is a penguin in the movie that eats it`s own shit. And it`s like they were building up to it. a few different characters mention that penguins do this just so when it happens you know why. It`s still fucking random.
2: Dane walks in on the fat guy having sex with a grape fruit. I have nothing to say.........
1: During the credits Dane gives oral sex to a stuffed penguin. It`s not half as funny as it sounds. I shudder at the thought and wish I had never seen this film. Just don`t watch it.


Gurn said...

What the hell are you doing watching, let alone reviewing, this trash?

Shame on you :p

Nightmare said...

My parents rented it so I felt the need to bash the hell out of it. I really wish I hadn't though :(

Anonymous said...

What the hell? I love this movie. You are honestly the first person that I have heard that has said soemthing bad about this movie. You have to admit that it was kinda funny that a guy that is surrounded by hot girls all day long and giving them boob jobs has to have sex with a grapefruit casue he cant get a date. I thougth it was hilarious. And the penguine thing is just nature. You cant say anything bad about something that happens naturally. They just wanted to take away the shock value just in case that turned you off the movie. HENSE the reason they mentioned it a few times.

Nightmare said...

Well you are entitled to your own oppinion brooke, if you like do up your own review or oppinion of the movie. You could very well change my mind ;)