Saturday, January 19, 2008


OK, before I begin I would like to say that this movie isn't for everyone. Some people are not going to like allot of what this film has to offer. However that does not mean the movie has problems. I assume allot of reviewers are going to try and look "smart" (code for pompous and arrogant) by pointing out the movies "flaws", the problem with this is most reviewers have their heads so far up their asses that they believe that if they don't like something it's automatically bad. A real reviewer can tell when their being bias toward something and look at it from another prospective. I hate to use myself as an example (I'm not arrogant enough to really call myself a reviewer) but my review of Halloween is a good example. I hated the movie but still gave it a decent score and a pointed out that some people will like it. Because I know my tastes don't account for everyone. To say you didn't like Cloverfield is OK, to say it sucks is just ignorant and I'll tell you why...In time.

I'll break this movie down very carefully. I loved it and I don't want to ruin it for other people. So I'll keep plot points as far away as I can. Though that leads to my first(and probably most important point) the problem most people will have (besides the shaky cam) is that there is a plot. It's really all about the people who have to survive but it's also a love story. Weather or not this will work for you depends on what crowd you fall into. You'll love it if your the kind of person who can except that this man is going back for this girl because he loves her. Or you'll hate it because you think common sense dictates you would just leave her behind. It really depends on your personality. I for one thought it was great and I really grew to love the characters, of course that's easy for me because I'm young and I know people like this. Allot of people are calling them douche bags but I think your forgetting what it's like to be young. These "douche bags" are basically the people I hang out with so I really liked them. Once again this is a case were it won't work for everyone but it certainly isn't a problem. They can't go and have a diverse bunch of age groups so they can cover the tastes of everyone. Besides I would have been very confused if they had a middle aged man at the party with them. As far as performances go they were all really good. The lines didn't sound forced and they only said what they needed too, which leads perfectly too my next point.

This movie only gives you what you need to know. Both in camera work and plot design. This will again be a problem for some people. I thought it was great, I don't like to be spoon fed and I had a great time figure(or guessing) things out on my own. Besides if this were real no one would know what the hell was going on especially at ground zero. So I would have been angry if they had given explanations. The camera is what sets this apart from other epic and disaster films because instead of giving you everything they only show you what you would see if you were actually there. Some people have complained that it didn't show enough, but I think they fail to realise that is the point. Your not supposed to see everything because in real life you wouldn't. Some scenes are a tease on purpose though, they are meant to build tension and suspense. Each one eventually giving you what you want which is made all the sweeter because you had to wait for it.

These little things and the plot are what separate this from the Blaire witch. It feels real but you can also feel the directors presence. You can't just make a naturalistic movie it wouldn't work. If that happened the movie wouldn't have been half as interesting, there would have been less action, no emotional response and no character development. In real life these people would have probably either died quickly or been evacuated. the quest to find the girl was built on circumstance but it was necessary. It took them back into the city. I don't understand why that's a complaint because we all wanted them in the city anyway, if they had left we never would have seen anything. this is not a movie about Joe Average(though all the characters are everyman type people who I had no problem sympathising for) it is the story about the brave few who would venture back into hell for love. Though many of you are saying this defies common sense it is necessary because this is the stuff legends are built on. Obviously not everyone would do what they did but that's why we follow their story and not the story of Joe Average, their story may not resemble what you would do in a crisis but that's why no one ever remembers your story. Again it won't work for everyone but it's not a fault, realistically it's genius.

Well I think I covered as much as I can without giving away anything. i will say some people won't like the ending because it is abrupt. Though if you didn't expect that you shouldn't be analysing movies. I for one loved it because it finished the main character ark. I won't explain how though because it would ruin it for the type of people who really get that stuff. It was the only way it could have ended and yet it was still perfect. And also on a side note, the monsters look cool. Some people may have a problem with the main monster's design but I didn't and the way they teased you for most of the movie, never really showing it to you, was perfect.

I personally feel it's an A+ but not everyone is going to get some of the more artsy points. And if you don't like the shaky hand held camera effect just don't see it in theaters. If this kind of stuff gives you motion sickness just wait and watch it on DVD, the great visuals and the emotional effect it causes(there is allot of 911 type imagery and symbolism) will still work on the small screen. And at least at home you can pause it if you feel dizzy.

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