Friday, September 5, 2008

The Incredible Hulk Smashes my little reviewing mind!

This is why I love what I do. Sure I have to see all the worst movies made, but I also get those roller coaster rides every movie wants to be. And as a reviewer I get the privilege of telling you, the reader, exactly what you’re in for. And this week the prescription is anger. But oh man, I like it when he’s angry.
And for a second straight time Marvel delivers a movie that had me craving more. The old Hulk movie, garbage, forget it. This is The Hulk the way it should be, explosive anger. The story is fine, it does a good job string together the hulk-outs and they really did a good ob bringing the universe together. Comic book fans will notice many nods to old conventions and they set up more possible options for later Marvel titles, like Captain America and the Avengers.
The only flaws I noticed were a few short lags where the movie staled. And some people might not buy into the little love story. Liv Tyler was over acted a few times and The General was a little stiff, though he’s a general so I don’t know if that’s bad. Everyone else was good, Edward Norton really fit the character and Tim Roth was a very convincing psychotic monster. Overall everything flowed well and no one is really going into The Hulk for an amazing plot, we’re there for some smashing!
The smashing is by far the best thing about this film. You really got the impression of anger when The Hulk was rampaging, and that was exactly what the last one lacked. There are some absolutely superb action sequences, and the final showdown is climactic as hell. Which was my only complaint about Iron Man, so it made me really happy to see such an amazing showdown.
Although I probably liked the ending of The Incredible Hulk better than Iron Man’s (not a complaint I loved them both) I still think Iron Man is the superior movie. But I still love the Hulk and it’s defiantly a must see if your hitting the theatres this week. I’m giving it a B+, full of action and a promising start to what could be a cool series of films. But be wary if you have anger issues. I wanted to start fights with everyone on my way out of the theatre. I just wanted to smash something too… L

Hmmm, I’ve noticed my reviews get shorter the more I like the movie. One would think I could fill in space by praising the film for all it’s glory…guess not. I’m going to The Happening tomorrow; I’m assuming now my review will be long, bring a drink.

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