Friday, September 5, 2008

Does liking something make it good?

Going into a review of this nature is tough. Indiana Jones is one of thoughts beloved series with a strong fan base, myself included, who can be easily angered by any criticism towards the movie. I can’t pander to the audience, and at the same time I can’t just go by my own tastes. I liked Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull; I had a good time watching it. That doesn’t mean it was good. Now the thing I’ve been debating with myself is how to go about explaining the movie, pointing out it’s many flaws and then still recommended it in the end. For most people this movie will be a fun little ride, even if it is completely unnecessary.

I’ll start by saying Indy fans will enjoy it. After all it brings back a beloved character for one last run (hopefully the last). And it’s mostly the same old Indy…mostly (the first person who gets that reference gets 50 kudos points). There are many problems with this movie and I think they can be summed up quite easily. No one gave a shit. George Lucas was the only one who actually wanted to make a new Indiana Jones movie and he accompanied this lapse of sanity (for previous lapses see Star Wars prequels) with his own script, which he originally called Indiana Jones and the saucer men from Mars. I wish I was making this up but I’m afraid it’s true and that really is the movie in a nutshell. I’d write up a synapses but to do that I’d have to write many long and complex paragraphs. You’ll have to settle for the short version. Indiana Jones has to stop the Soviet Union from getting a special crystal skull that, apparently, could hold the power to grant them telepathic weaponry. Though they never really explain how or give any reason why they just don’t use the skulls they already have to research this new form of technology. But hey, not everyone can notice glaring plot holes while Indy is involved in a nuclear explosion or a car chase…right?

The plot is weak, seemingly designed by a pre-teen boy whose only goal is to create a vague reason for all the bombastic action. The dialogue is very stiff especially at the beginning before all the action diverts your attention. It all just feels soulless, but the crazy action has a nice feel to it all the same. But I must say they dialled up the improbability to a whole new level. It made Iron Man look like a true story it was so unrealistic. And I know what your thinking “who’s the prude now Mattie”. Firstly, shut up, secondly this movie is just ridicules at times. Indy is like some kind of demi-god, completely indestructible and there are moments where you just need to surrender to the movie and let it go.

This has gone on long enough, it’s a C+ and I’ll explain why. The title and the budget, that’s it. This is some weak stuff only saved by a huge special effects budget and a built in fan base. The plot is pathetic just don’t bother with it. It will work for the fans and also for people who just want dumb action fests. If you want to see it go for the action and nothing more. You’ll get your nostalgia fix and you’ll never have to watch it again. I would suggest seeing it in the theatres and only because the big screen suites the grandger of it all. Just leave it behind after that. It’s fun but not worth remembering and certainly not worth adding to your Indy collection (don’t go out and buy the super deluxe tetrilogy in a few months). It really never should have been made and under a different name for less money it would have been terrible, but I enjoyed myself and most other people will too. Just go in with low expectations and leave your brain at home.

Note that kudos points can be exchanged for requested reviews, shout outs, or if you’re female and foxy my number ;)

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