Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Old Ironman Review

Iron Man: Does the Suit Fit?

When the hype for Iron Man was just beginning I wasn’t all that interested. I didn’t have the same connection with Iron Man as I did Spiderman, and after Spiderman 3 kicked my ass I just didn’t feel like another superhero movie. Then the trailers got longer, the footage looked better and I realized how cool the character really was. Not just a regular superhero who gets their powers by luck, chance, or fate, he made himself a hero using his mind. That was a really intriguing idea, not to mention Tony Stark is cool on his own account. So after my frozen heart was thawed by napalm-esque bombardment of trailers on every form of media my thoughts turned from new found hope to fear. I was afraid this would be a repeat of my opening night viewing of Spiderman 3 where all the hype turned to misery. But now your wonder how did it turn out (or your just angrily waiting for me to get to the point), well I’ll tell you. It rocked!

Yes, Iron Man was just about everything I could have asked for in a superhero movie or any action movie for that matter. The acting was superb thanks to an amazing cast lead by Robert Downey Jr., who played Stark so well that I never once thought “he’s playing the part well”, he was Tony Stark to me. The plot was well written and it didn’t have thoughs lolls you usually see in adapted movies where they’re trying to force background information in. It all just flowed nicely from intro to climax and through the falling action. The action beats were perfectly placed throughout to keep up the excitement. And the action, oh the action. It was so well done and just left me wanting more. I’d give a brief summery of the plot but there is no need, the trailers have already covered that thoroughly and anything that hasn’t been shown in them should not be mentioned, as I would hate to ruin anything, the plot does take some interesting turns though. One thing is for sure; you have to stay through the credits, if you don’t your missing out.

So in conclusion Iron Man is the kind of movie that comic book and superhero fans have been waiting for. An action movie that stays true to its subject matter and can make you laugh without making fun of the characters or the story there in. It’s a serious and yet light-hearted film that left me longing for more and dreaming of sequel. If you love comic books or superheroes this is the movie for you, if you like action films where the characters are dynamic and not just stereo types then you’ll like Iron Man. If you were the type of kid who made tin foil armour and put a box on your head to pretend you were a robot…seek help, then go see Iron Man. If the premise sounds stupid to you or you can’t get past the implausibility of it all then this isn’t your type of movie. And while I’ve got your attention you should lighten up a bit too, you prude! I give this movie an A and a high recommendation to any of the aforementioned groups, except the prudes of course.

1 comment:

Nightmare said...

This is the first piece I've ever been paid to write. Good times :)