Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Silas Marner

OK, I know I'm a little late on this one but hey at least I'm still doing it....Silas Marner is actually a great book. This must sound weird since I didn't enjoy the last "Classic" I read but this one is actually quite good. I really liked it. The basic plot is entertaining enough with some really touching moments and some really great character development but the main draw is the layered social commentary. It involves both religion and class structures showing the hipocrisy in both, something I'm totally into. If you like classical literature and religious dabate you should really dig this book. It gets an A because it manages to make a point without becoming stale and it does so without coming right out with it's message. I like a story that allows me to think without holding my hand...You hear that allegory, your not clever. Go die!

( for all you lit buffs out there I'm talking everyman allegory not Inferno allegory, some allegory is good...most sucks though)

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